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regional park造句

"regional park"是什么意思  
  • Columbia is growing with new development and has much to offer - riverbanks zoo and gardens one of america s top zoos ; beautiful lake murray ; arts and entertainment , sports and recreation , and great city , county , state and regional parks
    Blue ridge , blue ocean蓝色的山脉从南卡州的西北郊出发一直到南卡州的最高峰。在橡树成熟的季节,整座山被铺上了橡树的颜色。
  • Planning for complementary private and public development including themed dining and retailing , cinemas , museums and galleries , public art integrated into commercial and residential development , regional parks and local open space , arts village and arts market areas
  • It's difficult to see regional park in a sentence. 用regional park造句挺难的
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